Why Do My Gums Hurt? Causes and Cure



If you have pain in your gums, you may have no problem looking at it. Gum problem is very common and sometimes we ignore it.

Before that here we introduce the causes of pain in the gums and how to deal with them on your own. Read the article

What are the causes of gum pain?

The gums that support your teeth may be tingling, redder, or swollen and lumpy. What are the causes of these unpleasant symptoms on the gums?

1. Periodontal disease

Speaking of gum disease, periodontal disease is probably the most worrisome. When the condition of the periodontal disease worsens, the alveolar bone under the gums melts, causing the teeth to wobble.

As a result, pain occurs when you chew food or when your teeth bite each other in conversation. In the early stages of progression, the teeth are not wobbling yet, but many people feel itchy pain, such as tingling or stuffiness in the gums.

2. Apical periodontitis

Apical periodontitis is a condition in which the infection has spread to the roots of the teeth. The cause is caused by tooth decay and periodontal disease, and the nerves of the teeth die.

In this case, there is no severe pain, but when you brush your teeth or when your teeth bite each other during meals or conversation; you will feel slight pain or discomfort.

3. Root fracture

A root fracture is a condition in which a small crack is created and the infection spreads to the gums, even if you look into your mouth and do not seem to have a missing tooth.

You may find it broken after taking an X-ray or pulling out your teeth.

4. Pericoronitis 

The 8th tooth counted from before it grows in the back is called wisdom tooth or pericoronitis. Depending on the size of the jaw, some people may not be able to grow straight in their mouths. In that case, it often grows half-hidden under the gums, with the head of the tooth lying down and pushing the seventh tooth counting from the front.

In such cases, the gums may become inflamed and painful due to the difficulty of cleaning the teeth.

5. Press-fitting of food pieces 

When eating fibrous foods or meat, food may get stuck in the gaps between teeth.

In this case, the gap between the teeth is widened, which causes discomfort rather than pain. It can be removed with a toothbrush, interdental brush, or thread.

6. Mouth ulcer and burns

A mouth ulcer may have been experienced when you were feeling sick or tired. Especially in what is called aphthous mouth ulcer, the pain appears strongly because the middle part of the mouth ulcer is shaped like a hollow.

A mouth ulcer may have a strong image on the inside of the cheeks or the tongue, but it can also occur on the gums. Be careful not to get burned when you eat hot food.

If your gums are burned, you will experience a tingling sensation.

7. Infectious diseases

Periodontal disease has already been explained as a disease that causes pain in the gums. Periodontal disease is also an infectious disease.

The number of patients is smaller than that of periodontal disease, but if you have a white sticky substance in your mouth, you may be infected with Candida albicans.

In this case, the symptom is often a tingling sensation. In addition, lichen planus, which is not an infectious disease but an autoimmune disease, may also show white lace-like vitiligo, which may cause tingling pain.

Self-care when gums hurt

Here's what you can do at home when you have gum pain.

1. Avoid irritating foods and drinks

It is natural and natural to avoid irritants when you have pain in your mouth.

It should be noted that spicy foods, curry, and ethnic foods that are rich in spices, citrus fruits, and other fruits should also be noted. Please note that orange juice and grapefruit juice can also be irritating when you have a strong pain such as a mouth ulcer.

Read here: Healthy Food for Strong Teeth Recommend by QC Dentistry Brampton

2. Dental Hygiene

Keep your mouth clean. If you have pain in your gums, you may be worried that you may hit it with a toothbrush.

However, when the number of bacteria in your mouth increases, inflammation becomes better and you are more likely to get infected. It is important to keep your mouth clean as usual.

Please note that mouthwash with added alcohol may be irritating.

3. Applying commercially available ointments

Ointments and patches for mouth ulcers are sold at drug stores. You may want to keep it at home.

If you have pain at night and can't sleep, apply a commercially available ointment and see what happens.

When applying, gargle once, remove saliva with a tissue, etc., and apply it to the itchy or painful area with a clean hand or cotton swab.

It is recommended that you do not eat or drink for about 30 minutes after that, as the ointment you have applied will come off.


These tips can help to get rid of gum pain but not always. Sometimes the problem could be bigger than these solutions. So never forget to visit the best Dentist on Chinguacousy Rd and make it number one of your dental care lists.
