What is Tartar & Tips to Control It? By QC Dentistry Brampton



Almost most of us suffer from tartar on our teeth once in life. This can usually not be avoided entirely. With regular dental checkups, the tartar is treated with possibilities outside of professional tooth cleaning. 

Stubborn deposits must be removed by a dental hygienist during Dental Cleanings. The tartar must be removed, otherwise, new plaque will be deposited there again and again and thus dental diseases such as tooth decay, inflammation of the gums, or periodontal disease are favored.

Read in this article what tartar is and how to control it simply.

In This Article

  • What is tartar? How is it formed?
  • How can tartar affect teeth and gums?
  • Prevent tartar by Dentist on Chinguacousy, RD
  • Tartar teeth removal at home:
  • The diet that affects tartar
  • Remove tartar - professional teeth cleaning

What is tartar? How is it formed?

Tartar, medically calculus, is deposited on the gum line or in rough places and edges on the teeth. Even if you practice thorough and exemplary dental hygiene, you still have bacteria in your mouth. 

These metabolize the food residues, the breakdown products from them then form the plaque that adheres to the tooth, the dental plaque. This plaque film covers the teeth, gets under the gumline, and settles on the edges of fillings or other dentures. 

The bacteria in turn settle in the plaque, as this is the ideal breeding ground for them. The acids generated by the bacteria attack the tooth enamel and can cause tooth decay. This is why brushing your teeth regularly is so important.

Bigger problems arise when the plaque remains on the teeth and then solidifies into tartar. The tartar arises both below and above the gum line. It is rough and open-pored and can no longer be removed by you with a toothbrush and floss once it has arisen. The tartar must be removed as prophylaxis or by your dentist with special equipment.

How can tartar affect teeth and gums?

Tartar cannot be completely avoided and it affects your dental health. The plaque, from which tartar is formed, is always preferentially deposited here. On the one hand by Family Dentist on Chinguacousy, RD, tartar can grow and, on the other hand, this also provides a breeding ground for bacteria. 

The acids secreted attack the tooth enamel and can then lead to caries, which, if left untreated, penetrates the inside of the tooth to the root of the tooth. A root canal can cause root canal treatment, tooth loss, or even more serious health complications if the inflammation travels towards the heart or brain.

The bacteria can also cause irritation or inflammation of the gums. Gum inflammation can usually be resolved with careful dental care and the use of mouthwash. If the gingivitis worsens, however, periodontitis can occur. This can lead to tooth damage or even tooth loss.

Prevent tartar by Dentist on Chinguacousy, RD

You lay the foundation for successful tartar prevention with careful and regular dental care, the plaque away from the teeth. Brush at least twice a day for at least two minutes. 

Use a soft to medium-hard toothbrush with a not too large brush head and hygienic plastic bristles. Do not neglect the harder-to-reach areas on the inner tooth surfaces and the tooth surfaces of the posterior molars. 

Electric toothbrushes are not necessarily more thorough, but they make it easier to clean teeth thoroughly, as no tooth brushing technique has to be learned. 

Also choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride, as this helps to repair damaged tooth enamel. You can only remove plaque from the spaces between your teeth by using dental flossing regularly.

Tartar teeth removal at home:


Brush carefully twice a day. Change the toothbrush or attachments for the electric toothbrush at least every three months. Medium-hard or soft bristles are best, hard ones can damage the gums.


Antibacterial effect. This prevents inflammation. Works against bad breath. A perfect end to dental care.


Addressing the needs of teeth and gums. Use whitening toothpaste only once a day.


Use once a week if necessary. Whiten the teeth without damaging them. For extra radiance.


Use at least once a day, preferably in the evening. This maintains the interdental space, prevents tooth decay, and removes leftover food. Also practical for on the go.

The diet that affects tartar

Your eating habits and the foods you eat can also affect tartar build-up. Because the bacteria in the mouth process carbohydrates from high-carbohydrate and starchy foods that you eat. 

The metabolism of the bacteria then generates the harmful acids that attack the tooth enamel and, in addition to tooth decay, also promote further plaque deposits. 

So be careful what you eat and minimize sugary foods and beverages in your diet. Brush your teeth regularly, preferably after every meal, and drink enough water during and after meals.

Smoking also promotes the formation of tartar. Quit smoking not only for your overall health but also for your dental health and the appearance of your teeth.

Remove tartar - professional teeth cleaning

Once tartar has formed, it can only be removed by Family Dentist on Chinguacousy, RD, with appropriate dental equipment. For this one is professional tooth cleaning (PTC) necessary. 

This begins with all plaque on the tooth surfaces, in which the interdental spaces and gingival pockets being removed with special hand instruments and ultrasound devices. 

Tartar that is difficult to access below the gum line is removed using so-called “deep scaling”. Then with a powder jet device, Air Flow removes any remaining discoloration caused by nicotine, coffee, tea, or wine. 

In this way, even coverings in small niches and areas that are difficult to access can be reached. On smooth tooth surfaces, new plaque cannot be deposited again and thus tartar does not reappear as quickly. 

All rough areas are polished smooth with a fluoride-containing paste, making it more difficult for plaque to adhere and thus for new tartar to form. Finally, the teeth are sealed with fluoride varnish.

If you are planning to get rid of tartar by professional. Then I must recommend you to visit qcdentistry.ca, to get your best services.
