7 Dental Hygiene Tips by QC Dentistry


It's human nature that we don't pay attention to our healthcare, but if something bad happens we always regret ourselves. Just like Dental Care, if we take care of it then we don't have to regret it in the future.

So it became important to maintain dental hygiene. This article is all about maintaining dental health with these tips given below by the Queen Chinguacousy Dentistry Dentist on Chinguacousy Rd.

In this article

  • Brush your teeth twice a day
  • Eat healthy Food
  • Quit smoking
  • Less Alcohol consumption
  • Drinking water 
  • Avoid snacking meals
  • Visit the dentist regularly

Brush your teeth twice a day

It's nothing new about brushing your teeth but it is very important to brush your teeth properly and at the proper time. Most people just brush their teeth for only one minute. At least you have to brush for two to three minutes gently. If you will brush your teeth harshly forcefully then it could lead to gum desires in the future.

So brush gently for two to three minutes twice a day, one just after you wake up and once just before you sleep in the morning and night.

Eat Healthy

If you will eat fast food and drink soda drinks then for sure your teeth will go to damage. Because they are acidic in nature that damages the topmost layer of them. So if you will eat healthy food then you also be healthy and get better dental hygiene.

Here is some healthy food recommended for your good dental health by the Dentist on Chinguacousy Rd

Calcium-rich foods:

Such as milk, yogurt and cheese, fortified soy drinks and tofu, canned salmon, almonds, and dark green leafy vegetables and bones.


That found in eggs, fish, lean meat, dairy, nuts, and beans is good for strong teeth.

Vitamin C:

Food rich in vitamin c increase gum health, so eat plenty of citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, peppers, and spinach.

Quit smoking

Smoking is injurious to our physical as well as dental health So if you are smoking just stop smoking for today. It will just give you disease.

Less alcohol consumption

Many people say drinking could be healthy for our body but drinking in excessive quantity can be harmful to your body as well as your dental health. It can cause serious dental issues.

Drinking water 

Dehydration isn't sensible for the shape. The additional we tend to drink water then additional stunning and healthy we are going to be. Same with teeth, Dehydration within the mouth is probably going to be plagued by many oral issues like dangerous breath, gingivitis. Remember to hydrate yourself sufficiently, and this, the least bit times. The best Dentist on Chinguacousy Rd recommends drinking a minimum of 2 to 3-liter water daily for higher oral health.

Avoid snacking meals

Eating between meals will increase the danger of developing caries. this is often as a result of the acidity level within the mouth is at its highest once ingestion. By snacking usually, you maintain a grade of acidity that encourages the formation of caries. thus avoid ingestion many tiny parts throughout the day!

Visit for a dentist checkup

Visiting your Nearby Dentist on Chinguacousy Rd for a dental check-up and treatment for any kind of dental problem. Before going to them schedule a call Phone: 905-453-0999.

Thanks for reading the article I hope you like it, and stay tuned for more stuff
