Top 6 Myths about Dental Health by Queen Chinguacousy Dentistry


Whenever it comes to health, myths and fake news start roaming around the people. And the shocking part is when they start implementing, most of the time it impacts there dental health badly.

So here is the Queen Chinguacousy Dentistry revealing some of the dental myths that are most common amongst Canadians. Hope you like it let’s read the article.

Know the 6 Myths About dental health

  • Dentists only serve when there is a problem
  • You can brush anytime
  • Liquor without sugar is okay
  • Baby teeth don't matter
  • Teeth always lose health with age
  • A week of good brushing can compensate for past neglect

Myth # 1: Dentists only serve when there is a problem

You should see a dentist when you have problems with your teeth, but regular and preventative care is just as important. Many dentists recommend visiting every twice a year whether you have a problem or not. It's good for your health.

If you wait until you feel uncomfortable to make an appointment, it will cost you more and you will go through some difficulties and pain that could have been avoided. 

Visit your best Dentist on Chinguacousy Rd twice a year for a cleaning and examination to keep your teeth healthy.

Myth # 2: You can brush your teeth any time of the day

Surely you've heard many times that you have to brush your teeth in the morning and before bed, and you might be tempted to think that this schedule is arbitrary. Isn't timing important as long as brushing is done twice? No, the timing is important. Brushing your teeth in the afternoon is important to prevent a night with dirty teeth.

Myth # 3: Liquor without sugar is okay

We've heard a million times that sugar is bad for the teeth, so you'd think the sugarless liqueur is an acceptable replacement instead of a regular Pepsi or Coke. Although indeed, it does not contain sugar, it is nevertheless highly acidic.

Myth # 4: Baby teeth don't matter

When you have a young child, you may think that the health of your baby's teeth, or baby teeth don't matter because they will fall out soon anyway. Baby teeth are vitally important since their role is to hold space for future permanent teeth. 

Myth # 5: Teeth always lose health with age

You may think that teeth lose health with age, but to accept it as a fact is to admit that you have lost the battle when with good care, you could win it. With conscious effort for dental health, teeth can stay healthy with old age.

Myth # 6: A week of good brushing can compensate for past neglect

It seems like we can ignore our teeth for months and then brush them well for a few days to make them look new. Lack of regular brushing results in the buildup of pie and inflamed gums that cannot be cleaned in a week.


Having a good knowledge of dental health allows good maintenance of the teeth. If you have any questions relating to your dental health, ask them at your next appointment best Dentist on Chinguacousy Rd - Queen Chinguacousy Dentistry
