Toothache is the pain
around the teeth and jaws that are usually caused by tooth decay. Most of us
suffer from a toothache and hence it is very important to take care of them
properly so that the problems related to them can be avoided and they can be
kept healthy.
Toothache is one of the
most common dental problems, at the same time; many people suffer from this
problem. Today we will discuss the Toothache types, reason and home
remedy by your by Best Dentist on Chinguacousy Rd.
In This Article
Types of Toothache
Reason of Toothache
Home Remedy for
Precaution for Toothache
Types of Toothache
There are two types of toothache:
1. One of which is acute tooth pain
and the other is dull tooth pain. The acute type of pain is often mild and
comes out quickly. It occurs when you are eating something or you are saying
2. At the same time, a dull
type of pain is a little deadly. This pain is caused by eating a hot type of
food or by drinking some hot thing. This type of pain starts slowly and lasts
for a long time.
Reason of Toothache
1. Cavity (due to worms) - Cavity causes a bad effect on the teeth and due to this, pain
starts in them. Therefore, if there is a cavity, it is advised to get it
treated by a doctor immediately, so that it can be corrected in time and
prevent tooth pain.
2. The weakness of roots - Brushing the teeth in the wrong way weakens their roots, due to
which pain starts after some time. Therefore, people who clean their teeth in
the wrong way are at risk of getting pain problems.
3. Not taking proper care - People who do not take proper care of their teeth also have
problems with pain in them. Therefore, it is very important to take care of
them. Apart from this, there is a possibility of pain even if there is an
infection of the sinuses in the teeth.
4. Breaking of teeth- When teeth start to break a little, then they start
hurting and due to fracture in the teeth or their roots, they also get pain.
Home Remedy for Toothache
1. Clove Oil
Clove oil is effective in relieving toothache and
hence everyone advises to use this oil on the problem of toothache. You will
get this oil easily from the market and you will have to put a few drops of
this oil in cotton and keep it in a painful place for some time. And after
doing this, after some time your pain will be corrected.
2. Ginger-Cayenne Paste
If a mixture of ginger and red chilli is applied on
the teeth, then this pain can be relieved. To make a mixture of ginger
and red chilli, take both these things in the same quantity and mix water in it.
Then apply this mixture on the teeth with the help of cotton and leave it for
some time.
A chemical ingredient named Capscaini is found
inside the red chilli, which ends the pain. If you want, you can also apply
these two things separately.
3. Hydrogen Peroxide
You can also use hydrogen peroxide to relieve this
pain if you have a toothache. You just have to put three percent hydrogen
peroxide in your mouth for a while. After a while, remove it from the mouth and
rinse it with clean water.
4. Ice
With the help of ice, this pain can also be
relieved. You just have to put ice in a plastic bag and wrap this bag inside a
clean cloth and put it on your teeth.
Try to keep it on your teeth for 15 minutes. On the
other hand, if you do not want to put ice on the aching tooth, then you place
it on the part of your cheeks under which your tooth is in pain.
Apart from this, you can get relief from this pain
by rubbing ice between your thumb and index finger. It is said that by rubbing
ice in the palm, the nerves of the fingers send a cold signal to the brain, due
to which the signs of tooth pain do not reach the brain.
5. Garlic
Garlic is also used by many people to relieve this
pain. So, if you have a toothache then chew garlic because it contains allicin,
which is a natural antibacterial agent and it ends the pain.
6. Salty water
Rinse with salty water can also be relieved from
this pain, so after eating food you must rinse with this water so that the
existing bacteria in the mouth can be eliminated and you can get relief from
7. Peppermint Tea
Mint tea is also beneficial in correcting this pain
and drinking it can relieve this pain. To make it, you just have to take some
dry leaves of mint and boil them for 20 minutes in hot water.
After boiling it for 20 minutes, turn off the gas
and cool the water. At the same time, when the mint water cools down, take one
knee of this water and keep its water in the mouth for some time. After some
time, you remove this water from the mouth or drink it. By doing this procedure
for a few days your pain will be cured.
Precaution for Toothache
· Stop, start brushing more often
during the day when they have a toothache, which is wrong because more brushing
has a bad effect on them and at the same time increases the pain.
If you have a cavity, you should
immediately get it treated by the Dentist on Chinguacousy Rd,
because the cavity is not corrected in time, and then there is also the possibility
of removing the teeth.
Excessive consumption of sweet
cheeses also damages the teeth and causes pain in them. Soda is also harmful to
the teeth, so do not consume those things which contain soda.
Thanks for reading the article hope you’ll get the
best solution for toothache by using these home remedy tips.
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